15th Annual MTC Winter HikeMohican State Park and Mohican Trails Club to Host the 15th Annual Mohican Winter Hike on Sunday, January 9, 2022 beginning at 10 AM.
LOUDONVILLE, OH –Winter is an excellent season to see native wildlife, birds and majestic trees while hiking. The 15th annual Mohican Winter Hike will be held on Sunday, January 9, 2022 at 10 a.m. at Mohican State Park. The hike begins at the Mohican State Park commissary, which is located at the park’s Class A campground, just south of Loudonville on State Route 3 in Ashland County. Two general hikes - a 5K and a longer 10K are planned. Trails run from moderate to difficult. The 5K and 10K hikes will be led by volunteers from the Mohican Trails Club. The hikes will begin and end at the commissary. Warm fire, hot soup, cookies and drinks will be provided after the hike. Sponsored by the Mohican State Park and the Mohican Trails Club; this event is FREE and open to the public. Mohican Regional Trail Guides are available at the event. Donations received from these trail guides are used by the Mohican Trails Club to help fund trail improvements. Mohican State Park and Forest offer outstanding beauty and limitless opportunities for visitors to hike and explore one of Ohio’s unique natural regions. The Clearfork Gorge, with its towering 200-year-old Eastern hemlocks, and the meandering Mohican State Scenic River offer wilderness experiences for all outdoor enthusiasts. More than 50 miles of trails are available for hiking, mountain biking and horseback riding. ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at ohiodnr.gov. |
Little Lyons Falls
Clear Fork River
Annual National Trails Day summer hike - Mohican Covered bridge to Lyon falls
Annual Summer hike starts at the Covered Bridge picnic area. Additional information in near future.